Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Talking gorilla?

It's amazing! 8 - year-old gorilla, Jerry, held every day in the Zoological Gardens in Tampa (USA, Florida) began to speak with a human voice! The animal from birth was under the care of people, since been rejected by the mother!
Gorilla became the world rolled off the zoo sensacją.Do wsszystkie North American television stations.

- Jerry surprised us on Wednesday afternoon - Kelly James tells us (34l.) gorilla nanny - I fed him, when suddenly we heard - "Do not give me more of a g *** because I have pain after him. " For a few moments I thought that someone is doing us a stupid joke. Only after some time we realized that this is our gorilla Jerry speaks to us.

- We raised him for eight years - said Adam James (38L) - During this time, no one would think that this animal we listen to and assimilate our words! He was always very relaxed and ingratiating, but so much. I just love him!

As it turned out, the gorilla efficiently uses almost three hundred words. All the time it absorbs another.

- The worst thing is that they often visited the Arnolg it, our cleaner - says Kelly James - Arnold swears terribly. We fear that a gorilla could learn some ugly words.

In confirmation of these words do not have to wait long.
- F ***! - there was a sudden out of the cage Jerry - F***** tree!

It turned out that at the time of animal fun painfully struck by the branch. Gorilla is a young, very cheerful and eager to play. It is also extremely intelligent. Sorry, but we do not have a good opinion of him.