Monday, 28 March 2011

1 million dollars fo eating a mobile phone

38 - year-old John Gustav, a resident of Pennsylvania, he ate his own mobile phone! Male poured ketchup on it and just swallow it, drink plenty of coca cola lover! 'll Bet you think that crazy, or dead? No! It got a million dollars!
John Gustav (38l.) knew what he was doing. Immediately after swallowing a phone call from the famous New York lawyer Richard Zuckerman Moritz. The lawyer immediately accepted the job. An hour later, John Gustav was in the hospital, where X-rays taken of the stomach. The mobile phone was removed, and the photo was sent to a lawyer.

Richard Moryc Zuckerman won thousands of famous cases. Also, and this time did not disappoint. Challenged the mobile phone manufacturer to attempt to cause the death of his client. Producer Phone, he rented a famous legal team who tried to downplay the matter. During the process was even eject request by the defense that the plaintiff, John Gustav is a mentally ill person, if feeds on mobile phones. Richard Zuckerman Moryc But opponents torn to shreds. It turned out that in any mobile phone user is not written that the mobile phone is not meant to eat! This in turn may lead - as he said during a final speech lawyer - that many people have been put in a terrible error by greedy mobile phone manufacturers, who may end up losing life or health.

The court upheld the suit and ordered to pay damages to John Gustav of one million dollars!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Talking gorilla?

It's amazing! 8 - year-old gorilla, Jerry, held every day in the Zoological Gardens in Tampa (USA, Florida) began to speak with a human voice! The animal from birth was under the care of people, since been rejected by the mother!
Gorilla became the world rolled off the zoo sensacją.Do wsszystkie North American television stations.

- Jerry surprised us on Wednesday afternoon - Kelly James tells us (34l.) gorilla nanny - I fed him, when suddenly we heard - "Do not give me more of a g *** because I have pain after him. " For a few moments I thought that someone is doing us a stupid joke. Only after some time we realized that this is our gorilla Jerry speaks to us.

- We raised him for eight years - said Adam James (38L) - During this time, no one would think that this animal we listen to and assimilate our words! He was always very relaxed and ingratiating, but so much. I just love him!

As it turned out, the gorilla efficiently uses almost three hundred words. All the time it absorbs another.

- The worst thing is that they often visited the Arnolg it, our cleaner - says Kelly James - Arnold swears terribly. We fear that a gorilla could learn some ugly words.

In confirmation of these words do not have to wait long.
- F ***! - there was a sudden out of the cage Jerry - F***** tree!

It turned out that at the time of animal fun painfully struck by the branch. Gorilla is a young, very cheerful and eager to play. It is also extremely intelligent. Sorry, but we do not have a good opinion of him.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Silicone kills snakes

Recorded for the Spanish television show with the Israeli model Orit Fox ended in an accident. Silicone breast size XXL making famous woman in the world killed off the hose. How? Snake bite recklessly model in the chest.
The Israeli model and proprietress most magnificent breasts in Israel Orit Fox hit the headlines after the show in Spanish television. All through the snake that bites a woman's chest.

What happened? The model was recording a session, writhing together with a large snake, kissing and licking him on the head, when suddenly the snake bit the woman in the chest.Fox was immediately taken to hospital but her life not in danger. After examination was discharged home. What's another snake. After a few hours died. Was it damaged the silicone from the huge "balloon" of the Israeli model? The vet who tried to save the reptile, he had no doubts: "killed him with a silicone breast model!"

Friday, 4 March 2011

What is clairvoyance?

This ability to acquire knowledge of extrasensory. The great prophets have both the gift of divination, and describe what has already happened. They are also able to describe objects, places and people that are far away from them. One category is clairvoyance hearing voices from the past or future. Unfortunately, most of the great prophecy remains ambiguous. Oh, if only Centuries (fragments containing a hundred prophecies), the famous Nostradamus. Prześwietlało them very carefully, even the KGB and the CIA, but no one was able to discover the mystery hidden from us the future. Posted enigmatic language becomes clear after the fact.